
Providing access to the right health and care information at the right time to make sure you are cared for in the right way.

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Shared Care Record Summit

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uk ambulance staff members in her ambulance. She is wearing green ambulance uniform typical of uk paramedics. She is sitting in the ambulance ready to go to a call

What is the YHCR?

The Yorkshire and Humber Care Record (YHCR) is a digital shared care record solution that enables citizen information from multiple sources, to be accessed securely and updated in real time, when it is needed by appropriate health and care professionals.

How does YHCR help you receive better care?

By linking information systems the YHCR enables appropriate health and care staff to access your health and care information in real-time at the point of care. At the same time, it allows you to be more actively involved in your own health and wellbeing.

Photo of a little boy being curious about his mother's growing belly
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Quicker Clinical Decisions

Joining together information from different health and social care organisations across our region allows our healthcare colleagues to support your care through more informed decision making.

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Secure Data

The YHCR provides a secure view of information from multiple health and care settings in real time. No data is stored on the YHCR system itself, to ensure your data is always safe.

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Help to build better services

De-personalised information can help to make our region healthier and give better access to improved services in the right places.


The YHCR ensures your data is safe. No personal data is stored on the YHCR system itself. Instead it allows your data to be viewed, securely by professionals directly involved in your care, from multiple health and care settings in real-time.