
Autumn is well and truly upon us and with the change in climate we see national and local policies developing.

The eagerly awaited (for some) formal implementation of the Integrated Care Boards (and Systems) is now well underway. It is the hope of course that this will make partnership working across localities much stronger and improve collaboration across care settings. The Yorkshire & Humber Care Record (YHCR), built as a result of great partnerships, I think provides some of the necessary super-glue to support this collaborative working and improved care to local people.

The launch of Interweave earlier this year, enabled us to separate out the YHCR as a shared care record solution from the technology used to develop it.  As part of the Humber Teaching NHS FT, Interweave has enabled us to share the technology and learnings from the YHCR to support other ICSs with their own shared care record; Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland, Nottingham & Nottinghamshire and now Derbyshire.

One of Interweave’s goals is to develop solutions around the user; they must be the centre of our thinking, be the user a GP, nurse, therapist, paramedic, health care assistant or a digital professional.  User centred design has been key in the development of the Interweave products to ensure a positive user experience, to support improved care and enable our services to be sustainable for the future.

Alongside design thinking, we recognise the importance of developing the digital skills of our workforce.  It was always an intention for the YHCR to share our knowledge and learning, both across the region and further afield. In 2019 we launched the YHCR Academy – the Academy was created to support staff to be more self-sufficient when deploying a shared care record solution and to increase adoption and spread. Sadly, the Academy was rudely interrupted by COVID, but as a result we have created online access to the YHCR Academy.  Developed in partnership with Health Education England, the Academy also offers access to the LinkedIn Learning Platform showcasing topics related to the adoption of a shared care record. Our focus on people is key to the progression of Interweave and the YHCR.  Offering free online training enables staff them to learn at their own pace and is our commitment to support their development and the ongoing success of collaborative working across health and care.

The YHCR Academy is now available to any member of staff to register and can be accessed here at any time – but isn’t a cosy Autumn day a great time to start!

Lee Rickles