We’re thrilled to receive some great feedback from users during the early stages of implementation at Bradford Council.
Of the people asked, 71% said that they felt the Yorkshire & Humber Care Record (YHCR) has had a positive impact on improving patient care. An example of this is how it helps users by providing the right information, at the right time, to create more informed decision-making.
There was a broad range of data identified as valuable by users in West Yorkshire, including GP and hospital data, as well as Yorkshire Ambulance reports. They also highlighted how key medication and diagnosis data could be obtained efficiently.
Users of the YHCR were asked to provide feedback on how accessible they felt the data was. One user noted that it was, “easy to navigate around, easy to use when logged in and expand sections of relevance”. There were also comments made on the training that they received as part of the implementation, “the training was lengthy and detailed. No improvement needed”. This was echoed by another user who said, “The training was very useful and covered everything”.
One of the key elements of feedback focuses on there being far less need for patients to repeat their stories, as the information previously given is accessible for all future incidents. This, in turn, provides patients with a level of confidence that the service they require is knowledgeable of their health history.
Prior to a home visit, one user said that they could check details of when Yorkshire Ambulance had attended their patient following a fall, “I was able to focus my time at the visit on other areas. Ultimately saving time and saving the annoyance for the patient not needing to inform me of care interactions they will have most likely already had to tell other medical professionals.”
The YHCR continues to provide services in West Yorkshire with invaluable information to support care planning for their patients. This means that users can see when their patients are in hospital and plan around that time for visiting a patient. Users also highlighted how the information can be used to detect patterns, saying the access to information “has helped in gauging frequency of things such as falls, health deterioration and medication changes’’.
We are dedicated to collecting and learning from feedback from our users. Knowing more about the benefits and the areas in which we could improve helps us develop our service over time. We’re pleased to see early signs of positive impact and look forward to continuing our work with West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership as the rollout progresses.
The Yorkshire & Humber Care Record is powered by Interweave. To find out more about this technology and how it can benefit your organisation, visit https://www.interweavedigital.com